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  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened or hidden.
  2. It copies to the Clipboard the content of the Editor in the format of a rich text. Difree: feature Copy

Copy as plain text

  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened.
  2. It copies to the Clipboard the content of the Editor in the format of a plain text. Difree: feature Copy as plain text

Copy as markdown

  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened.
  2. It copies to the Clipboard the content of the Editor in the format of a Markdown text. Difree: feature Copy as image

Copy as image

  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened.
  2. It copies to the Clipboard the content of the Editor in the format of an image. Difree: feature Copy as markdown


  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened or hidden.
  2. It deletes the content in the Editor.
  3. Once the content is cleared, the Clear button turns into the Undo button. Now you can undo the clearence by click Undo button. Difree: feature Clear



  1. It's available when the Sidebar is hidden.
  2. It saves the content of the Editor in the form of note, and adds to 'All notes' section.

Add note

  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened.
  2. It saves the content of the Editor in the form of note, and adds to 'All notes' section Difree: feature Add note

New note

  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened.
  2. When you are in the previously saved note, and you click new note, the previously saved note is closed and new note is opened.
  3. When you are in the note that is not saved in the Notes, clicking New note does nothing. Difree: feature New note

All notes

  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened.
  2. You can enter the section, where the saved notes are present. You can a note to All notes by clicking 'Add note' button. Difree: feature Add notes


  1. It's available when the Sidebar is opened.
  2. It contains all the notes deleted from 'All notes' section.
  3. You can permanently delete the note using the X button, or restore using the restore button from the 'Trash' to 'All notes'. Difree: feature Trash